A web service uses a WSCI transaction to communicate to other services its ability to either completely execute those activities or to restore to a consistent state prior to the execution. Web服务使用WSCI事务与其它服务通信,它要么完全执行完这些活动,要么将其存恢复到执行之前的一致状态。
When the entire disaster data center has completed the start up process, you should see all of the business processes in a consistent state ready for the next actions to take place. 当整个灾难数据中心完成启动流程后,应该看到所有业务流程都处于一致状态,准备好进行后续操作了。
Waldo's money is represented by data in two databases that cooperate to insure that the data they contain are always in a known and consistent state. Waldo的钱是通过两个数据库中的数据来表示的,这两个数据库通过互相协作来保证它们包含的数据总是在一个已知的并且一致的状态。
It either provides information or facilitates a change to business data from one valid and consistent state to another. 它提供信息或简化业务数据从一个有效的、一致的状态向另一个状态的转变。
If your migrations are correct, each migration leaves your database in a consistent state, with no manual intervention. 如果迁移正确,那么每个迁移都会把数据库置于一个一致的状态,不需要手工干预。
Because both data and metadata are journaled, JBD can use the journal to bring both metadata and data back to a consistent state. 因为数据和元数据都被记录,JBD可以使用日志将元数据和数据恢复到一致状态。
In the world of enterprise application integration ( EAI), it's essential that all participating systems operate under an overarching global transaction so that these systems all return to a consistent state in case of a failure. 在企业应用程序集成(EAI)领域中,所有参与的系统必须在整个全局事务下操作,以便这些系统在发生故障的情况下都返回到一致的状态。
During the restore operation, transaction logs are necessary to bring the database to a consistent state. 在执行恢复操作时,需要使用事务日志使数据库处于一致状态。
This is a very rare occurrence, but if you suspect this has really happened, you can use validateRegistry mode to check if the profile registry is in a consistent state. 虽然很少见,但如果您担心会出现这样的情况,当概要文件注册表处于一致状态时,可以使用validateRegistry模式进行检查。
To maximize reliability, we want to ensure that the database spaces are in a consistent state so their use can be resumed on the target. 为了尽可能提高可靠性,我们1希望确保数据库空间处于一致的状态,以便在目标系统上恢复它们。
A transaction is a set of operations that transforms data from one consistent state to another. 事务是将数据从一种一致性状态转换为另一种一致性状态的操作集。
The change to the value of newlogpath will not be applied until the database is in a consistent state. 在数据库处于一致状态之前,将不会更改对newlogpath的值。
In the event of version recovery, a full offline backup image is required to restore to any point in time or the latest consistent state. 在进行版本恢复时,需要使用一个离线全备份映像将数据库恢复到建立这个备份时的状态。
Upon completion of a successful transaction, the data will again be in a consistent state. 事务成功完成后,数据将再次处于一致状态。
During fast recovery, all committed transactions are redone, partially completed transactions are aborted, and the dbspace is restored to a consistent state. 在快速恢复过程中,所有已提交事务都会重做,部分完成的事务将被放弃,并且数据库空间会恢复到一致状态。
This allows for faster database restarts, because the database will already be in a consistent state. 这将使得数据库可以更加快速地重新启动,因为数据库将一直处于前后一致状态。
In the event of a crash, the journal can be replayed, bringing both data and metadata into a consistent state. 在崩溃情况下,可以重放日志,使数据和元数据处于一致的状态。
The source system must be in a consistent state before you make the copy. 在复制之前,源系统必须处于一致状态。
Also, you will need to control the transaction yourself to make sure that the database is in a consistent state after you update both tables. 而且,还需要自己控制事务,以确保在更新这两个表之后数据库处于一致的状态。
Other database products do not normally allow that-the transaction log files must be used to recalculate the consistent state ( solidDB allows transaction logging to be turned off, if desired). 其他数据库产品通常不允许那样,而必须使用事务日志文件来重新计算一致状态(而solidDB则允许必要时关闭事务日志记录)。
Thus, it is able to bring the filesystem back to a consistent state in a matter of seconds. 因而,它能够在几秒钟时间内将文件系统恢复到一致性状态。
As of this writing, at least one IDE ( IntelliJ IDEA) provides support in the editor for keeping all these items in a consistent state. 截至本文完稿时,至少有一个IDE(IntelliJIDEA)在编辑器中提供支持,以使所有这些项目保持一致状态。
Additionally, transaction log marks are necessary if you need to recover a set of related databases to a logically consistent state. 另外,若要将一组相关数据库恢复到逻辑上一致的状态,必须使用事务日志标记。
The application remains in a consistent state. 应用程序保持一致性状态。
Onmode-c block to accomplish a consistent state. 阻塞数据库服务器,从而实现一致状态。
Even if the defragmentation task does not finish in the time specified, the queue database is left in a consistent state. 即使碎片整理任务未在指定的时间内完成,也会保持队列数据库处于一致的状态。
To bring the full-text index to a consistent state you need to run a full crawl. 若要使全文索引恢复为一致状态,需要执行一次完全爬网。
The atomic character of transactions ensures that databases are recovered to a consistent state. 事务的原子特性可以确保将数据库恢复到一个一致状态。
Specifically, data is discarded when the utility does not have the information needed to restore a structurally inconsistent file or directory to a consistent state without making assumptions. 具体而言,当实用程序在不做假设的情况下,无法获得所需信息以将结构上不一致的文件或目录恢复到一致状态时,就会废弃数据。
To abide by the postconditions of the method, the method must correctly complete the work it was called upon to perform and it must leave the object in a consistent state. 后置条件通常是指方法必须正确完成工作过程,且最后将对象置于正确的状态。